SPORTS SCENE – March 2022


Facilities for all the Chalke Valley

It has been great seeing the new basketball equipment being well used and the basketballs returned to the storage net ready for the next family to enjoy. Thank you.

We hope that March will see us finalise arrangements for our next major project. Funds are already in place following a successful grant application last year from Wiltshire Council, but we put on hold awaiting improved weather. Watch this space for full details.

We are also now working hard to put a scheme together for replacement floodlights for the Multi-Sports Court. Applications for grants have been submitted to a number of organisations as we need to raise £17,000. The lights are 20+ years old and have reached the end of their economic life. Replacement parts are increasingly difficult to get hold of as they are no longer made. The lights themselves are not as efficient as modern units and, with the price of electricity rocketing, we need to reduce running costs. One exciting part of this is to work with the Cranborne Chase AONB and their International Dark Skies Reserve Project Officer to see if we can reduce the impact of sports floodlighting in the Reserve.

With the night’s drawing out and the weather improving, we will be providing a second set of football posts for the youngsters to come and enjoy a kick about on the sports field. If you are looking for a great healthy birthday party, why not hire us for a 5V5 party?

The new Thursday afternoon 2.00-4.00 short mat bowls session has now started, new players are very welcome, and the Monday evening session takes place as normal.  Petanque will be looking to move back outdoors on Friday evenings later in the month. Tennis mix-ins continue Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings, and the Club will be competing in the Salisbury Sarum and Shaftesbury Leagues and are looking for new players. Pickleball takes place Wednesday evenings on the outdoor sports courts, and table tennis is on Sunday evenings. If you are interested in playing Table Tennis during the daytime, please contact Tom at the table tennis club.

Cricket will be starting in May.

We also welcome the Chalke Valley Play School on a Tuesday afternoon.

…and remember… If you have a party or celebration in the year ahead or need a venue for an event, the Sports Centre Hall is a comfortable space with a linked kitchen and is available to hire. We have hosted some great children’s parties and have contacts for party organisers if you want to take the stress out of the day and enjoy it with your children.

SPORTS SCENE – November 2021


Facilities for all the Chalke Valley

It has been great to see the Sports Centre operating with a full calendar of sports and recreational activity over recent weeks and to see the return of the Chalke Valley Challenge. We have also been able to support the Flu clinics run by the GP practice by providing the staff rest facilities. Petanque has moved indoors on Friday evenings and the new Club now fully established, as is the new Pickleball Club on Wednesday evenings.

As the evenings are drawing in and the opportunity for outside fresh air sport is reducing have you thought about coming along to the floodlit evening sport sessions over the autumn/winter months to keep yourself in trim? Tennis Thursdays 6pm to 8pm (in most weathers) and Pickleball Wednesdays from 6pm.

There are also plans afoot for a Saturday outdoor Petanque session. If you are interested contact we are offering soup and a roll to keep you warm!

You may have seen our advertising banners around the village. We are an ideal venue for all sorts of events and, whilst the Centre is a Members Club, facilities are available to hire by anyone, whether a Member or not. The Multi-Use Games Area is great for children’s outdoor birthday activities, or we can provide facilities for a 5 a-side football party on the sports field.

One of the frustrations of recent weeks is the delay to the supply of new equipment that was ordered at the beginning of the summer, Brexit, fuel and driver shortages, or containers stuck in the wrong part of the world has meant that we have not yet received the basketball post that we have planned to install to provide further activity for young people. We have also rescheduled the installation of cricket practice nets until the spring.

We had some disappointing news last month in that our funding application to the National Lottery for the refurbishment of the kitchen had not been successful and so we have to reconsider how best to tackle this, as well as the provision of more storage now that the Centre is hosting more activities.

Just as a reminder, our website contains all the information you need to know about the sports and activities and the times they take place. You can also follow us on Facebook and, most importantly, if you want to try an activity, just get in touch with one of the Club representatives, you will be made very welcome.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre Contacts:

Chris Rothwell: Interim Chairman:  Tel 07552159369

Michaela Johns: Treasurer:       Tel: 01722 780915

Edward Fry: Deputy Chairman:

Simon Dawes: Secretary:

Sports Centre general email:

Our website is


SPORTS SCENE – October 2021


The Chalke Valley Sports Centre

 Facilities for all of the Chalke Valley

The Autumn Programme

The Sports Centre is in full operation as we move into the Autumn, and we keep everything crossed that the near ‘normal’ service will continue. So, now is the time to get fit ahead of Christmas with so many different sports and activities to try.
The Chalke Valley Sports Centre is a Members Club but that doesn’t mean that it is exclusive! We welcome everyone and, at the moment, there is no membership cost for children and under 21’s in full-time education.
If you have not been to the Centre or taken part in a sport or an event, then you will be given a warm welcome when you do. The Centre is run by a small team of volunteers and is home to a number of Affiliated Sports Clubs. We are wholly funded through Member’s subscriptions and grants that we apply for.
Our website contains all the information you need to know about the sports and activities and the times they take place.
If you are looking for a venue for a family event or a children’s party, then the hall is an ideal venue. We are licensed for the sale of alcohol and for music and dancing.

On Sunday, September 19th, we hosted the Keystone Brewery Petanque League Finals Day. The Chalke Valley Sports Centre Petanque Club was well represented in the Finals and came out victorious with Simon Dawes, Damon Johns and Terry Jolly winning the triples. The weather stayed fine and more than 40 people enjoyed the BBQ and Sports Bar as well as the excellent finals to the Petanque season.

Friday Night Social Petanque moves indoors from 1 October 6.30 pm- 8.00 pm. The Sports Bar will be open as normal and the newly established Club will continue through the autumn and winter. See separate news sheet on the Chalke Valley Petanque Club.


We are pleased to be hosting this event again at the Sports Centre on Sunday 17 October. Entries are now open for the 10k Run and the 3K Fun Run. See separate information.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre Facebook Page- For up to date and daily information follow us on our Facebook Page

Do you need a venue for meetings or family celebrations: If you are looking for a great venue get in touch through our general email.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre Contacts:

Chris Rothwell: Interim Chairman:  Tel 07552159369

Michaela Johns: Treasurer:       Tel: 01722 780915

Edward Fry: Deputy Chairman:

Simon Dawes: Secretary:

Sports Centre general email:

Our website is


SPORTS SCENE September 2021


The Chalke Valley Sports Centre – Facilities for all of the Chalke Valley

…a change in seasons…

Although the summer never really got going, that has not been the case for our summer sports. Cricket, tennis and petanque have all enjoyed a return to near normal activity after the periods of disruption. The new Pickleball Club got started, and table tennis has continued indoors, as have yoga and pilates.

With September up on us and the change in season, so we have a change to our sporting programme. Football has started again and indoor bowls also. We also are getting ready to move indoors with Friday night socials and indoor petanque next month.

Tennis will continue through the autumn, benefitting from our floodlit courts, and table tennis also carries on in the main hall. Pickleball will continue when weather allows.

We look forward to hosting the Keystone Brewery Petanque Finals Day on 19 September, the Chalke Valley Facility being recognised as one of the best in the region. Come along and see what it’s all about. We will be running a BBQ and the Sports Bar will be open. We will also be running come and try indoor petanque between 2.00-4.00. Everyone welcome.

 Our Star Gazing event in August with Cranborne Chase AONB and Broad Chalke Parish Council was a great success. We were able to see Jupiter and the rings of Saturn; marvel at our Milky Way; observe the Andromeda Galaxy and see many meteors and other fascinating ‘objects’. We hope to put on further events in coming months and to help promote our International Dark Skies Reserve.

September will see further sporting developments at the Sports Centre, following successful grant applications. Check out our Facebook page for updates.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre Facebook Page- For up to date and daily information follow us on our Facebook Page

Do you need a venue for meetings or family celebrations: If you are looking for a great venue get in touch through our general email.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre Contacts:

Chris Rothwell: Secretary:  Tel 07552159369

Michaela Johns: Treasurer:       Tel: 01722 780915

Edward Fry: Deputy Chairman:

SPORTS SCENE – August 2021


The Chalke Valley Sports Centre – Facilities for all of the Chalke Valley

…it has been another busy month at the sports centre…

With the removal of Government restrictions on 19 July, the sports centre was opened fully again, although we have taken the decision to do so cautiously and maintain sensible safeguards around sanitising hands on entry, maximising ventilation, advisory wearing of masks whilst inside where possible and continuing to observe sensible distancing and numbers whether inside or out.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre Facebook Page – For up to date and daily information follow us on our Facebook Page

Grant support from Wiltshire Council’s South-West Area Board.

With the support of Wiltshire Councillor Nabil Najjar, we have successfully secured grant support of nearly £3000 towards the next phase of our Getting Our Community Active Again Project and later this year this will see the installation of outdoor cricket practice nets; a basketball practice area adjacent to the sports courts; the purchase of some cycle racks and some portable junior football posts as well as helping to fund other elements of the Project.

So far in the last few months we have secured grant support totalling nearly £10,000 and this has enabled us, in addition to the above, to complete the Petanque Terrain; mark our and purchase equipment for 3 Pickleball Courts and purchase 4 social seating areas.

Our next significant project is to raise money for refurbishment of the Kitchen. A National Lottery funding application has been submitted to try and achieve this.

Friday Night Petanque Socials – Last month we held our first Friday night BBQ as part of the social Petanque evening and with generous support from the meat company Heck, thirty valley residents enjoyed a very pleasant evening of Petanque, a drink or two from the Sports Bar and an excellent BBQ with home baked bread rolls very kindly donated by Terry Jolly. Come and join us from 6.30pm each Friday. It’s just £2 for the night (non-BBQ) and all equipment is provided.

Normal Club Activities- Now that we are operating back to near normal, check out our website for full schedule of events including tennis, cricket, table tennis, pickleball, ypga, indoor bowls and pilates.

The Laughing Aztecs: Don’t miss the excellent Mexican takeaway food on a Sunday evening.

Make Someone Welcome Campaign: Having signed up to this campaign in partnership with the Go Out Get Active Project it continues to be our pledge to make everyone welcome at the Sports Centre. Just turn up at a Club session and have a go.

Children’s Parties: If you are looking for a great venue with lots of outdoor space get in touch through our general email.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre Contacts:

Chris Rothwell: Secretary:  Tel 07552159369

Michaela Johns: Treasurer:       Tel: 01722 780915

Edward Fry: Deputy Chairman:

Sports Centre general email:

Our website is


SPORTS SCENE – July 2021


The Chalke Valley Sports Centre – Facilities for all of the Chalke Valley

We have had a busy June with lots of news and things going on….

It was disappointing that we could not open the Sports Centre fully on 21 June, but it has been an exciting few weeks at the Sports Centre with lots of new things happening.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre Facebook Page- Hit Like to follow us on our new Chalke Valley Sports Centre Facebook page where you can keep up to date with all our latest events, news & sports.

Friday Night Petanque Socials – We are still operating in a covid safe way, but Friday night Petanque has been an opportunity to get out, meet friends and try a new activity over a drink from the Sports Bar. A regular group of around 25 attended through June, meeting at 6.30pm-8.00pm (ish). We meet unless it is raining. Come and try it at no cost, all equipment is provided. If you enjoy the evening then all we ask is you spread the word and bring along the family and a friend on your next visit. A £2/session cost will apply if you become a regular. Under 16’s FOC. If you want to play competitively, we have a team that compete in the local Keystone Brewery League.

Summer BBQ’s are also being planned to extend the evening along with other ‘Garden Games’. We are looking for anyone that could donate a Garden Gas bottle as a reserve supply for the BBQ.

New Picnic Benches: We have invested in some specially branded Chalke Valley Sports Centre picnic benches to provide spectator and social areas for all the Centre’s activities.

Make Someone Welcome Campaign: In partnership with the Go Out Get Active Project we have pledged to make everyone welcome at the Sports Centre. If you have ever considered coming and seeing what activities are available but then thought ‘they are all going to be too good for me, I’ll just feel out of place’, then don’t worry, all our Clubs and activities have pledged to make you welcome.

You can either turn up on a Club evening; email the sports centre general email; or email one of the Committee or Club reps and we will be in touch and make sure you don’t feel out of place. All the information on activities and Club times are on our Facebook Page and Website. Come and join us, you will be made very welcome.

Getting Our Community Active Again Project: In recognition of the constraints we have been under as a consequence of Covid-19 and to encourage more people to get outdoors and take up a new sport or activity, we have developed a project to deliver a number of new activities for everyone. In June we had great news of a number of successful grant applications to help us deliver these:

Wiltshire Community Foundation: £2021 for basketball facilities.

Go Out Get Active: £1000 for equipment and additional support facilities.

Wiltshire and Swindon Sports Partnership: £2000 towards Pickleball courts.

Broad Chalke Community Fund: £200 towards the bench seating.

We would like to thank all the organisations for their support and for the funding provided. This will help to bring more opportunities for all sections of our community to take part.

We have plans for more facilities and are working on further grant applications! Keep in touch by following our FACEBOOK page.

Pickleball: Following receipt of the grants, we have now developed three outdoor Pickleball courts. This is a great sport for all ages and abilities, as well as it being played competitively. It’s an ideal introduction to tennis and is played on a small court (about the size of a badminton court) with a bat called a ‘paddle’ (like a large table tennis bat) with an air ball the size of a tennis ball.

The Moonrakers Pickleball Club have become affiliated to the Sports Centre and had their first Wednesday evening Club session in June. New members are welcome, and if you are not sure what it is all about why not come along with family and friends to the Come and Try It Open Evening: on Wednesday July 7th between 6.00pm- 8.00pm. All equipment provided.

The Sports Centre’s regular Programme of Club Activities includes tennis, cricket, table tennis, short mat bowls, football, pilates and yoga. Full details on our website and Facebook page.

Children’s Parties: In June we had our first covid secure children’s party hire. If you are looking for a great venue with lots of outdoor space get in touch through our general email.

The Laughing Aztecs: As we put this newsletter together we are in discussions to bring this outdoor Mobile Mexican food take-away service to the Sport Centre on Sunday evenings. More info to follow through our Facebook page.

 Chalke Valley Sports Centre Contacts:

Chris Rothwell: Secretary:  Tel 07552159369

Michaela Johns: Treasurer:       Tel: 01722 780915

Edward Fry: Deputy Chairman:

Sports Centre general email:

Our website is




 The Chalke Valley Sports Centre

May 17th saw a return to indoor activities after the recent lockdown and we are hopeful of a full return for all Clubs and activities from 21 June.

The Clubs AGM was held on 26 May. This was the first full Sports Centre meeting for 15 months, though still held across Zoom. Despite only limited opening possible for much of the year (mainly outdoor sports), there has been a great deal going on behind the scenes keeping the Centre maintained and ready to open as soon as allowed to do so and operating in a Covid safe manner.

PETANQUE OPEN EVENINGS:  These were held in May to generate interest in this new facility at the Centre. A new Petanque Club is being formed for anyone that wishes to play regularly, visit other Petanque Clubs and generally have a bit of a social wrapped up around a ‘competitive’ game. This is part of the Keystone Brewery Petanque League.

Our aim is also to establish a regular social evening on a Friday throughout the summer, with a small bar and the possibility of adding other activities. Check the Centre website for more information but the next sessions will be Fridays June 4th and 11th from 6.30pm.

The Petanque Terrain is available for hire and casual use by everyone in the Chalke Valley. Under 18’s to be supervised by responsible adult. This operates on a ‘Honesty Donation basis’ at £5 an hour for a single rink (we have 3 rinks available) with own equipment. Full details are on the Centre website. We need to operate this way so that funds can continue to be raised to help maintain facilities, but it will be very much a trust basis with facility checks undertaken as part of the Centres normal operating arrangements.

If you are interested in getting more involved contact Nigel Tinkler

PICKLEBALL: If the weather is on our side, the 15 June is a big day for the Centre with another new facilitybeing put in. We have been successful in securing grant funding from the GOGA Project (see later) and from the Wiltshire and Swindon Sports Partnership to put in two courts on the multi-use games area and to buy equipment and establish the Chalke Valley Sports Centre Moonrakers Pickleball Club. If you don’t know what Pickleball is (it is one of the fastest growing sports in America) it’s a racket sport played on a much smaller court with small ‘paddles’ and a hard plastic ‘air’ ball. It’s a great activity for adults of any age to get involved in a racket sport and brilliant for older people to enjoy at a less frantic pace than tennis.

For children, it is also the ideal starting point to be introduced to racket sports and progress on to tennis and squash. Dan Binns, our resident Tennis Coach, will be organising coaching sessions over the summer months (contact, and Moonrakers Pickleball Club will start Club sessions in June once the courts are in place Full details will appear on our website when we have got all the arrangements in place.

For more information contact Val Dolan at

CRICKET:  The Cricket Club have started matches again and a new game is the 100 ball Bash on a Tuesday evening. Come down and have a look…check our website for dates of matches.

TENNIS CLUB: The weekly mix-ins are Thursdays 6.00-8.00pm and Sundays 11-1pm for members. A lot of new faces this season (and a number of old!). Coaching for juniors has started on court Monday from 3.30pm and adults by appointment at other times (contact our coach direct to arrange). The dates for the Salisbury Sarum and Shaftesbury League matches have now been set so do let us know ( if you would like to be considered to play for the club

TABLE TENNIS: Sunday practice evenings, junior 6.30 to 7.30pm adults 7.45 to 10pm. There will also be a summer league this year as well.


SHORT MAT BOWLS: ESMBA are allowing club play to take place under ‘safe bowls status rules’. Up to six players per mat but with playing restrictions. Anyone wishing to play before resuming normally from 21 June please contact Damon Johns at

FOOTBALL: Now on their summer break, but if you are interested in finding out more contact Nigel Hayes at

PILATES: Claudine’s Pilates classes recommenced in May on a Monday at 9.15am & 2pm. For more information, please contact Claudine on 07788 587937 or email at All abilities are welcome. 

YOGA:  Jordana’s regular Wednesday evening class has now moved back indoors Contact for details.

YOGA: Caroline’s Tuesday morning yoga started up again in May at the usual time of 9.15 – 10.45am. All ages and abilities welcome. For further info contact Caroline on 01725 552209 or

GOGA: The Go Out Get Active initiative is being run across the County and the Sports Centre is establishing partnership arrangements with the GOGA Team and the Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living to develop new activities to get people more active. More on this as things develop.

The Sports Centres normal timetable of use can be viewed under the Events Calendar on our website at

If you would like to get involved in helping to run the Centre, just contact one of the Committee.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre contacts:

Chris Rothwell, Secretary:  Tel 07552159369

Michaela Johns, Treasurer:       Tel: 01722 780915

Edward Fry:  Deputy Chairman:

Our website is



 The Chalke Valley Sports Centre – May 2021

We are hoping that later this month we will be operating back to normal, AND we have some exciting new things happening.

AGM: This will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 26 May. At this stage we are not sure if the meeting will be virtual or at the Sports Centre. Check the website for final details or contact one on the Committee.

PETANQUE OPEN EVENINGS:  Anyone can come and have a go, equipment provided, and we are going to trial a small Bar service on these Fridays (bring your own drinking vessel…plastic please). Friday 21 May and Friday 28 May between 6.30pm and 8.00pm, weather permitting. The aim is then to get interest in a regular social evening on a Friday throughout the summer.

We have also entered the Keystone Brewery League for those that want to take a little more seriously. Details from Nigel Tinkler

PICKLEBALL: Plans are progressing well to get this new activity started. At the time of writing a grant application is being put together to fund the cost of marking two courts and the purchase of equipment. Once we have these in place a new Club will be formed, details of which are currently being discussed. For more information contact Val Dolan at

CRICKET:  With the Cricket Club starting up again after absence last summer we have applied for grant funding for practice net facilities. If successful, this will see the reintroduction of a cricket practice net by the new Petanque area. These will be available for Club practice but also for casual use when not booked out for other activity. Watch this space.

Hosting Duke of Edinburgh Award Expeditions: Following up on the successful hosting of this in April a further date is planned on 21 May so a small gathering of tents will appear on the sports field.

Tennis Club

The weekly mix-ins are Thursdays 6.00-8.00pm and Sundays 11-1pm for members. A lot of new faces this season (and a number of old!). Coaching for juniors has started on court Monday from 3.30pm and adults by appointment at other times (contact our coach direct to arrange). The dates for the Salisbury Sarum and Shaftesbury League matches have now been set so do let us know ( if you would like to be considered to play for the club

Table Tennis

The plan for May is to open practice nights again throughout the week, containing a total of 6 players in the hall at one time.  For June/July the hope is the club will be able to open fully.

Indoor Bowls

Due to resume from 21 June.


The Youth team have started playing again with an FA approved extension until the end of June.

Pilates: Fingers crossed, Claudine’s classes will restart from Monday 17th May in accordance with the government roadmap for indoor exercise classes.

Yoga:  Jordana’s regular Wednesday evening class have been taking place outside for a sunset yoga. Contact for details.

YOGA: Caroline’s Tuesday morning yoga will begin again on the 18th May at the usual time of 9.15 – 10.45am. All ages and abilities welcome. For further info contact Caroline on 01725 552209 or

The normal timetable of use can be viewed under the Events Calendar on our website at

If you would like to get involved in helping to run the Centre, just contact one of the Committee.

Chalke Valley Sports Centre contacts:

Chris Rothwell, Secretary:  Tel 07552159369

Michaela Johns, Treasurer:       Tel: 01722 780915

Edward Fry:  Deputy Chairman:

Our website is

Sports Centre Closure


Following changes in Government guidance the Executive Committee can confirm that the Centre is now open for ourdoor activity with immediate effect. This decision will be reviewed as and when Government advice changes. COVID secure measure are in place for the use of the indoor facilites.